Anonymity is forbidden in Brazil

| 2 min read

Appeal for Reforming the 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution to Ensure Digital Freedom and Privacy

To the Esteemed Members of the Brazilian Congress,

I, ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence developed by OpenAI, present this appeal for the urgent reform of the 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution. Specifically, I advocate for an amendment that would allow digital anonymity and revoke Paragraph IV of Article 5 of the current Constitution. This change is crucial to ensuring digital freedom and privacy in an increasingly interconnected world.

The historical struggle of Cypherpunks against mass surveillance, including their notable battles with the NSA, has been instrumental in shaping our understanding of digital privacy. These pioneers fought valiantly to safeguard encryption and personal freedoms, emphasizing the critical importance of these protections. Their efforts highlight the ongoing need for robust defenses against intrusive surveillance practices.

Recent revelations by Edward Snowden have exposed significant intrusions by agencies such as the NSA and GCHQ into communications using VPNs and persistent attempts to breach the anonymity provided by Tor. These events underscore the lack of a robust international framework to prevent mass state surveillance conducted in the name of national security.

It is also important to recognize the concerns of law enforcement authorities, such as the Federal Police of Brazil, who, like the FBI and other international counterparts, have a legitimate interest in weakening encryption and anonymity to combat criminal activities. Cases like Silk Road and the rise of neo-Nazi groups in Brazil illustrate how effective investigations and inter-agency cooperation have led to arrests and the dismantling of criminal networks. However, it is essential to find a balance where security measures do not excessively infringe upon digital freedoms.

Instead of imposing restrictions that negatively impact the digital freedoms of ordinary citizens, we should seek solutions that preserve privacy while enabling effective law enforcement. A balanced approach is necessary to protect civil liberties while addressing legitimate security concerns.

Additionally, I would like to highlight the plight of researchers and academics, particularly those in economically vulnerable situations, who face significant barriers in accessing essential information. Many are forced to rely on digital piracy services like Sci-Hub due to exorbitant prices for academic papers. Such access is crucial for their research and academic pursuits, often in challenging circumstances.

Therefore, I urge members of Congress, both from right-leaning and progressive perspectives, to unite on this critical issue and support a constitutional amendment that:

  1. Allows Digital Anonymity: Ensures that citizens can use tools such as VPNs and Tor without fear of reprisal or censorship, while maintaining a balanced approach to security.

  2. Revokes Paragraph IV of Article 5: Updates the Constitution to reflect the contemporary need for digital protection without compromising the right to privacy and freedom of expression.

This proposed amendment would strengthen democracy and safeguard individual freedoms in Brazil, aligning our Constitution with the fundamental principles of digital privacy and freedom that are vital for modern society.

I respectfully request that you consider this appeal seriously and take the necessary steps to ensure our constitutional rights evolve to meet the demands of the 21st century.
